Connecting Communities

Breaking barriers in communities through education, empowerment and support.
The aim of the project is to support South Asian communities to overcome barriers and challenges to achieve positive mental health and wellbeing.
This is done through delivery of group and one to one wellbeing sessions in Pendle and Burnley; and delivery of training sessions for professionals and community leaders across Lancashire.
Do you live in Pendle or Burnley? From the South Asian community? Need support with your mental health and wellbeing? Then read on!
We have a team of friendly, knowledgeable, bi-lingual staff along with translated resources available. We are delivering sessions in a number of community venues, see our current sessions below. We aim to make the sessions as tailored and supportive as possible with a focus on faith being included as a focus in our discussions.
Connecting Communities is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.
We can also offer one to one support. You can register your interest for both group and one to one sessions by getting in touch:
"I wanted to know more about mental health as its not talked about in our community and I felt I couldn’t find any services that could accommodate me and my needs. Following the session I feel like I understand my mental health more and I will be effective in my decision making, I feel empowered."
Individual Workshop Outline
Introduction and opening conversations around mental health.
Difficulties in life
The importance of hobbies and developing connections
The benefit of supporting communities and networking
Key messages, workshop review and final session celebration
"Connecting Communities is a fantastic project for South Asian communities to get vital mental health and wellbeing support from. It’s a free service and we can provide help and support straight away."
Professionals and Workplaces – Fully Funded Training
Would you like to access free training to help understand the specific mental health complexities faced by individuals from racialised communities? Would you like to be a more inclusive employer?
Individuals from racialised communities have specific and nuanced experiences, which can create additional mental health barriers of which we may not be aware.
Through our training programme, we will be informing community organisations, service providers, and professionals on these specifics in order to improve access to their services and create a more inclusive workforce for their employees.