Share your story

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We want to hear about your journey with mental health.

At Lancashire Mind we want to break down all the stigma surrounding mental health. One of the best ways to do this is for more people to talk about their mental health and share their stories and journeys of mental health.

We want to hear from you

Please, share your story with us, it might be able to help someone find the courage to ask for help or even share their story too!

For Decorative Purposes Only

Your Stories

Blogs and stories can show that people with mental health conditions are cared about, understood and listened to. We can use it to challenge the status quo and change attitudes. We believe that no-one should have to face a mental health problem alone – and blogs, real stories from real people, can play a part in achieving this.

Reading a blog by someone going through a familiar experience can have a big impact. ‘You’ve put into words how I feel’ is a comment we often see on our guest blogs. And reading or watching a piece about an experience we didn’t know about can open up our eyes, give us a unique insight and help us learn.

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