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Without you, we can’t achieve our vision

Whether it’s working for us, volunteering, fundraising, supporting our events and campaigns or partnering with us, we couldn’t do what we do without you. The more people we have across Lancashire who share our passion and can help to tell our story, the more people we’ll be able to reach. Bringing us closer to achieving positive mental health and wellbeing for everyone across Lancashire.

Stalls and events

Raising awareness of mental health and wellbeing across Lancashire

An important part of Lancashire Mind’s work is to increase knowledge and understanding of mental health and wellbeing. We want people to feel better able to look after their own, and their family and friends, mental health and know how to boost their wellbeing.

Our staff and volunteers hold stalls and attend events around Lancashire to provide information that can help people learn more about different aspects of mental health. We talk to people about their own mental health and share details of Lancashire Mind services, as well as signposting to other local and national services.

We receive lots of requests around key dates throughout the year, such as mental health awareness week in May, freshers fairs in September and World Mental Health Day in October so please provide as much notice as possible if you’d like us to attend your event.

To enquire about a stall for your workplace, school or community group or to invite us to an event please contact us.

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