Children & Young People

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Our early work with children and young people helps them to understand their mental health.

The number of children and young people who are experiencing a mental health condition has recently increased from 1 in 9, to 1 in 6. If we can work with children at an early enough age, we can reduce this number.

CYP Services

We have been delivering services specifically designed for children and young people for over 10 years. Our team includes qualified teachers specialising in a range of areas from SEN to early years and Higher Level Teaching Assistants, they are joined by project leads with a range of qualifications from degrees Childhood & Youth Studies to a Level 4 Diploma in School-based Counselling. If you are aged 5 – 18, or supporting someone that age, this is where you’ll find details of how we can support you.

CYP Quick Links

Working with young people

Our work with young people can be on an individual basis, in groups, as well as with primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, parents, local community groups and other organisations and professionals supporting young people.

It can be a challenge to access the right support in Lancashire, that’s why we are expanding our work all the time. We have free resources available for you to download and a free virtual wellbeing coaching service for all young people aged 10-18.

Children and young people’s virtual wellbeing coaching

Our virtual wellbeing coaching service is free for young people aged 10-18. During this 6-week programme, you will work with one of our experienced Wellbeing Coaches to remove barriers to your wellbeing; together you will create a goal to work towards to improve your wellbeing and work on practical coping strategies you can use. If you are under 16, you must get consent from a parent/carer.

Children’s Virtual Wellbeing Coaching

Youth Advisory Group

If you or your young person is aged 14 to 18 and lives in Lancashire, you’re invited to join our Youth Advisory Group! We want to encourage young people to work together in a group setting, to help us understand the issues that affect them. By understanding these issues, we can make sure that our services are better able to support children and young people.

Youth Advisory Group

P.E.A.K Project in Burnley & Pendle

The PEAK Project is a comprehensive mental health support program designed for young people aged 12-18. It focuses on Personal, Encouragement, Achievement, and Knowledge to enhance student wellbeing and academic success.

Part of the PEAK project focuses on encouraging the young people to create their own activities for promoting positive mental health and is fantastic project to run in schools, colleges and community settings. This project is currently run in Burnley and Pendle.

The PEAK Project

Our CYP Policies

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