
Home » Fundraise

You can change lives by funding vital mental health services and support across Lancashire.

It costs around £2 million per year to provide all our current services. We wouldn’t be able to continue delivering this support without the amazing donations we receive from individuals, community groups and businesses in Lancashire.

We work across Lancashire where almost 1.5 million people live. Lancashire has some of the worst levels of income deprivation in the country – a key determinant of poor mental health and wellbeing. In some areas of Lancashire almost 20% of the population have a mental health condition, a shocking figure and far higher than the UK average.

Anyone can experience a mental health condition at any time and almost everyone has been affected by poor mental health personally or through a loved one.  Your donations enable Lancashire Mind to continue to deliver life changing support to adults and young people who need it most. Your support also allows us to provide services that help people learn about their mental health and how to look after it so that they can maintain good mental health and are less likely to experience a mental health condition. By choosing Lancashire Mind you are choosing to change lives for the better.

Fundraising quick links

How you can help

  • Donate give a one-off gift; we value every donation.
  • Regular giving giving a monthly donation, as little or as much as you like, will help us to plan long-term, making it easier for us to be here for people in years to come.
  • Raise funds whilst you shop with you can raise money for Lancashire Mind when you shop online.
  • Do your own fundraising set yourself a challenge, organise an event, do a birthday fundraiser or a gaming marathon. There are lots of ways to fundraise and we’d love to hear your ideas.
  • Join a Lancashire Mind event whether it’s our skydive in May, Cross Bay Walk in summer or Mental Elf fun run in winter, you can raise money by taking part.
  • Fundraise with colleagues set up a tuck shop, hold a bake sale, enter a team event, there are lots of activities that are great for fundraising in your workplace.
  • Make Lancashire Mind your company’s Charity of the Year – commit to activities throughout the year to raise funds and awareness of Lancashire Mind.
  • Become a Lancashire Mind Patron – could you be one of our first patrons? This is a newly launched scheme for you to demonstrate your commitment to improving mental health in Lancashire.
  • Remember a loved one – donate or fundraise in their name.
  • Leave a gift in your will – your legacy could help us to be there for future generations.

We know times are tough for people and businesses right now, so it’s heartwarming that people are continuing to support their fellow Lancastrians. Thank you!

Join the fun with our digital fundraising kit!

We're so excited to help make your fundraising event a huge success! Our Free Digital Fundraising Kit is packed with everything you need to add some extra fun, flair, and fantastic support for your cause. Whether you're an enthusiastic individual or a dedicated community group, this kit is made just for you.

Download now For Decorative Purposes Only

Our Latest Fundraising Events!

Lancashire Mind holds three main events each year and we also have a calendar of other organised events that fundraisers can get involved with. To buy places for Lancashire Mind events as they become available, please visit our Events Hub.

View Events Hub

Together we can save lives and improve mental health throughout our community.

Please donate For Decorative Purposes Only

Are Mind and Lancashire Mind the same?

No. We’re part of the national Mind federation but we’re an independent charity, responsible for generating our own income. We rely on our supporters, alongside applying to charitable trusts and foundations to fund our own services. For example, our virtual wellbeing coaching that helps people identify and overcome barriers to achieving good mental wellbeing, is only available for people across Lancashire thanks to the generosity of our supporters.

Fundraising Regulator

Lancashire Mind is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator of charitable fundraising. Established following the 2015 cross-party review of fundraising self-regulation, it works to ensure that charities who raise money from the public do so appropriately. As a charity, Lancashire Mind follows the regulator’s Fundraising Code of Practice.


Other ways to get involved