Gabriela's Story: 25 Lancashire Minds
Gabriela, is one of over 60 individuals currently living in a Lancashire Mind home. Gabriela has been on an incredible two year journey with Lancashire Mind where she has shown courage and strength.
Art is a huge part of Gabriela’s life and key to her feeling connected and well. Gabriela wants to help others like her who are still waiting for support by selling her artwork to raise funds for Lancashire Mind.
How does it feel making and completing a piece of your artwork?
It’s quite funny to be asked how it feels – to completing my artwork really to be honest, because what it’s giving me – its a brief time when I DO NOT FEEL – all those waves of emotions that are part of my existence daily – and due suffering with bipolar condition – the waves can sometimes overwhelmed me in some situations,
but when i do art – the problems of this world disappearing,
I can BE – now and then, present in this moment, my brain is silent due being active into a creative mood and my hands taking over my whole being to do something that is in their power in that moment – which is art. I believe every human being is capable of creation and art is and can be a perfect channel for emotions that so many of us struggle to explain in words.
What made you decide to start making your art?
Again I struggle to answer this question – what makes me start? I don’t think I ever had this moment, I think I was born this way and since being a child I’m finding creating stuff – if it’s art or crafts or even cooking – very therapeutic.
It’s a way to connect people together – to stop – even if for a moment in this never stopping pace of this world. It’s a time when you have chance to take notice of your surroundings – time to activate your imagination and your senses. In my understanding creativity and art is a world where our soul exist and to be a whole human being we have to find a time to connect our body with our souls and art can be a tool to do it.
Why did you decide to donate the artwork to Lancashire Mind?
I’m extremely grateful – and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to be supported by Lancashire Mind by my current supporting living flat but as well for ongoing support i receive in balancing my condition, life, health and even battle in better contact with children.
I was in a losing battle with institutions previously but since my diagnosis was been put in place and since Lancashire Mind stepped in with support. I believe we achieve a huge changes in a short space of time, things that was beyond my expectations now are possible – I’m in best possible position in life since forever I think. Diagnosis in place, health in control with adjusted medications, my housing arrangements are monitored weekly and we do all needed steps to improve my independence, which gives me so much hope for the upcoming future.
Those almost 2 years working together gave me a chance for a brand new fresh opportunity to live my life better in balanced health but most importantly, away from abuse I have endured for over 22 years previously.
Why I decided to donate those art pieces? It’s my way to say THANK YOU, I never thought previously I’m worthy of this kind of support. I always felt damaged since being born due to always feeling that something is wrong with me – my strategy was – I don`t have too many expectations in life, as being next to me was causing people suffering by not being in a position to help me.
These past 2 years showed me that; there are many people like me and this is just a medical condition that can be monitored and learned to manage. I’m slowly accepting the fact that I’m not a less valued human being than people without mental health disability. Life still can be beautiful with acceptance of my limitations but with knowledge that there are people out there who dedicate their life to find better solutions still.
We are all evolving constantly and with that our knowledge about many different illnesses humans can be born with. Having this illness wasn’t my choice but my choice was to learn to accept it that I’m worth this support to live as independent a life as it’s only possible.
What do you hope your artwork brings to people who buy it/how do you want it to make them feel?
Art is a world where there is no right or wrong way of looking at it. I don’t want to say what others should feel when they look at it, maybe only a quiet suggestion that – it’s a very positive process and nothing here have to be perfect – such a ward in art do not exist.
Plus everyone can try to do it, but if there is someone interesting in buying my pieces then money that can be paid for them could be my way to pay forward – for Lancashire Mind to help another human being in their journey.
Did you teach yourself or learn from someone else?
Today’s technology gives us so many ways to learn how to do stuff and I do use some helpful videos sometimes
but the best teacher for me is nature and my soul – being surrounded by nature and by closing your eyes to escape to no-limits imagination – this is where best ideas are born really. You need to see something in your mind to bring it to reality – never the other way round.
When do you make your artwork, and do you make it with anyone else?
Like I mentioned previously; art for me is a huge subject where there is art, craft, music even cooking, and yes wherever I can – I’m inviting people to join me to this world – to create with me to escape to a place where everything is possible.
My years as staying home mum with my three amazing children was a world full of art, craft and never ending activities. That was building our brain capacity to see this world by different eyes – by eyes that can create a positive and happy place – where simple craft can connect children with their parents.
That is why I was even volunteering previously in the local community as it was written in my soul to be there for my children and to be their guided supporter into even learning different languages by connecting with local children when art and craft is a way to learn together.